CryptoBots are digital, collectable Robots, each with unique gifts given to them while being created in the lab. They are tradable, collectable and, frankly, super cool! Each one has their own quirk, are unique in their DNA and could be 100% owned by you.
Crypto bots exist on Opensea.io, a digital blockchain art gallery, where you can purchase and own totally unique digital art and collectables. Crypto Bots are NFTs, Non Fungible Tokens, digital collectable blockchain art or trading cards, that can only be purchased and owned by one individual from the Opensea.io gallery. They are all certified and verified on blockchain and designated to the one owner. Just like owning Bitcoin, you can now own Crypto Bot collectables, which are a type of art currency that will only go up in value. This is a gallery of the Crypto Bots available. Sure you can screen grab these images, copy them, download them but that does not mean that you certifiably own them with the original crypto signature.
Purchase yours from www.opensea.io/cryptobots (available Now)